Local Contact Proxy Service (.MY)
if you need more than 3 years, please contact support
***General Allowed Usage ***
If you do not have Company or Representative in Malaysia , We can Register on Behalf and represent you for this domain
We will not guaranteed towards any unforeseen disruptions to the domain name, nor being held responsible for any direct or indirect loses sustain by our client, even if we have been advice at such.
Spamming and phishing activities are strictly Not Allowed.
The Use of all services will be govern by the law of Malaysia, Bigdomain terms of usage and MYNIC agreement
Bigdomain Shall have Zero(0) Liabilities towards any loses if we are instructed to delete/transfer your domain as instructed by Law or MYNIC
We will need you to provide us a sample proof of Identity, such as Passport, Driver’s license , your country’s business registration to facilitate Registration and Ownership verifications