ایجاد درخواست پشتیبانی جدید

اگر شما در بانک اطلاعاتی ما راه حلی برای مشکلتان نمیابید میتوانید با انتخاب بخش مناسب درخواست خود را ارسال کنید..

 General Enquiries (Office Hour)

General Question on Bigdomain . (supported during office hours)

 Support (24 hoursx365 days)

Hosting / cPanel Issues are are Supported 24hours x 365 days . Excluding Domain Name / Nameserver / Non cPanel Issues

 Billing (Office Hours)

All Concern on Billing / Enquiries . Replied During Business Hours

 Customer Care / Sales (Office Hours )

Customer Care and Customer Services Related Enquiry (Domain Name, Changing Nameserver , DNS Entries and Others Non cPanel, Non Hosting Issues)

 Talk to CEO @ Bigdomain

We welcome comment, query and feedback to our CEO .

Payment Choices