[RESTORED] 19 Dec 2020 - Intermittent Issues on our Singapore DC

  • Saturday, 19th December, 2020
  • 01:33am

Our load are low and so far services are behaving normally 
We will continue to monitor for the rest of the day

thank you for patience with us

Services is restored , and performance test is ok
we are monitoring as of now

12.00am 19/Dec/2020 
we have been experiencing issues with our singapore connectivities since today's evening 7pm onwards. 

we have been working troubleshooting software and recent upgrade to our Servers as we are buying more SSD Drive and double some of our server to 64GB 

at about 12am 20/Dec, DC confirmed that the connectivity issues is from their end and are still resolving the issues 
We are working round the clock to restore services to all our customer

We apologies once again for this disruption


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